WP3 Communication: Understand how society perceives and reacts to hazard warnings
Work package three is about how hazard warnings are communicated and perceived by residents.
User Surveys
We start by conducting an in-depth analysis of hazard warning surveys on Yr. Further, a more systematic mapping is initiated, to find out if people's perception and use of hazard warnings change during the project period. In addition, a survey is developed to be sent out during or immediately after a weather event.
Competence Building
Work package three also deals with weather competence. Society's use of information in hazard warnings depends both on our communication (it must be understandable, at the right time, and with the right content), but also on the population's theoretical knowledge and practical skills in connection with bad weather. High weather competence will make our work with communication easier, while the inhabitants are better able to understand the information and know what to do with it.
We wish to strengthen the weather competence by arranging a weather campaign, and by using serious gaming.