MET report 2009
01/2009 - Andrea Storto and Frank Thomas Tveter
Assimilating Binary Cloud Cover Observations in Variational Data Assimiliation Systems
02/2009 - Arne Melsom and Ingerid Fossum
Validation of an ocean model ensemble for the Barents Sea and the northeastern Nordic Seas
03/2009 - Herman Farbrot and Inger Hanssen-Bauer
A simple station-based empirical model for local snow conditions
04/2009 - Thor Erik Nordeng
A polar low named Vera - dynamics and model perfomance
05/2009 - Anita Verpe Dyrrdal and Dagrun Vikhamar-Schuler
Analysis of long-term snow series at selected stations in Norway
06/2009 - Svetlana Tsyro
Further development of AOD observation operator and testing with NODIS data
07/2009 Anita Verpe Dyrrdal
Trend analysis of number of snow days per winter season in Norway
08/2009 - Øyvind Breivik, Knut-Frode Dagestad*, Morten W. Hansen* and Johnny A. Johannessen*
An assessment of HF radar current measurements in Norwegian waters
*Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
09/2009 - R.E. Benestad and I. Hanssen-Bauer
Warming trends and circulation
10/2009 - Knut Harstveit
Steinbekkhaugen - Værmålinger
11/2009 - Knut Harstveit
Hålogalandsbrua - vindmålinger. Sluttrapport
12/2009 - Viel Ødegaard, Leiv Håvard Slørdal* og Thomas Olsen
Bedre byluft. Prognoser for meteorologi og luftkvalitet i norske byer
*Norsk institutt for luftforskning
14/2009 - Magnar Reistad, Øyvind Breivik, Hilde Haakenstad, Ole Johan Aarnes and Birgitte R. Furevik
A high-resolution hindcast of wind and waves for The North Sea, The Norwegian Sea and The Barents Sea
15/2009 - Viel Ødegaard og Thor Erik Nordeng
The benefit of going to higher resolution
16/2009 - Göran Broström, Arne Melsom, Ana Carrasco
Iceberg modeling at Valdation of hindcast experiment
17/2009 - Göran Broström, Arne Melsom, Mohamed Sayed * and Ivana Kubat*
Iceberg modeling at Valdation of iceberg model
*Canadian Hydraulics Center