MET report 2001
Dobesch, Hartwig, Ole Einar Tveito og Pierre Bessemoulin: Geographic Information Systems in Climatological Application. Final report (ECSN) (Rapport Klima 13, 2001)
Nordli, Per Øyvind: Jamføring mellom manuell og automatisk stasjon i Glomfjord. Rapport nr 3 (Rapport Klima 12, 2001)
Harstveit, Knut og Rune Sandvik: Behandling av topografi i ny norsk standard for vindlaster, NS3491-4 (Rapport Klima 11, 2001)
Hanssen-Bauer, Inger, Ole Einar Tveito og Eirik J Førland: Precipitation Scenarios for Norway: Empirical Downscaling from the ECHAM4/OPYC3 GSDIO integration (RegClim) (Rapport Klima 10, 2001) pdf-file
Andresen, Lars: Befaringsrapport for området Ryvingen fyr - Skjernøy - Lindesnes fyr (Rapport Klima 9, 2001)
Tuomenvirta, Heikki, Achim Drebs, Eirik J Førland, Ole Einar Tveito, Hans Alexandersson, Ellen Vaarby Laursen og Trausti Jónsson: Nordklim data set 1.0 - description and illustrations (Nordklim) (Rapport Klima 8, 2001)
Westman, Ylwa, Solfrid Agersten, Achim Drebs og Peter Svensson: Visualisation tools for climate data (Nordklim) (Rapport Klima 7, 2001)
Tveito, Ole Einar, Eirik J Førland, Hans Alexandersson, Achim Drebs, Trausti Jónsson, Heikki Tuomenvirta og Ellen Vaarby Laursen: Nordic climate maps (Nordklim) (Rapport Klima 6, 2001)
Rapport Klima 5, 2001 er ikke utgitt.
Iden, Knut A: Vind, bølger og lufttemperatur i Nordsjøen og Norskehavet i 2000 (Rapport Klima 4, 2001)
Alexandersson, Hans, Eirik J Førland, Jaakko Helminen, Niklas Sjöblom og Ole Einar Tveito: Extreme value analysis in the Nordic countries. Pilot studies of minimum temperature and maximum daily precipitation and a review of methods in use (Nordklim) (Rapport Klima 3, 2001)
Harstveit, Knut: Greipstad og Lyngdal FM/TV-sendere. Klimalaster (Rapport Klima 2, 2001)
Nordli, Per Øyvind: Spring and summer temperatures in south eastern Norway 1749-2000 (Norpast) (Rapport Klima 1, 2001)
Nordli, Ø. 2001: Reconstruction of Nineteenth Century summer temperatures in Norway by proxy data from farmers' diaries. Climatic Change, 48, 201 – 218.
Tarand A., Nordli Ø. 2001: The Tallinn temperature series reconstructed back half a millennium by use of proxy data. Climatic Change, 48, 189 – 199.
Benestad, R.E. (2001): A comparison between two empirical downscaling strategies, Int. J. Climatology,Vol 21, Issue 13, pp.1645-1668. [DOI 10.1002/joc.703]
Benestad, R.E., Rowan T. Sutton, Myles Allen, David L.T. Anderson (2001): The influence of subseasonal wind variability on Tropical Instability Waves in the Pacific, Geophys. Research Lett. Vol. 28, No. 10, 15. May , p. 2041-2044 [2000GL012563].
Benestad, R.E. (2001): The cause of warming over Norway in the ECHAM4/OPYC3 GHG integration, Int. J. Clim. 15 March Vol 21 371-387.
Giorgi, F m. fl., bl. a. R. Benestad og I. Hanssen-Bauer: Chapter 10 of the IPCC TAR (Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis): Regional Climate Information – Evaluation and Projections, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 584-638.
Hanssen-Bauer, I. and E.J.Førland: Verification and analysis of a climate simulation of temperature and pressure fields over Norway and Svalbard. Climate Research, 16, 225-235.