Here you can read the meteorologist's text forecast for the Norwegian territory [in Norwegian].
In the text forecast, the meteorologists use their experience, competency and local knowledge to describe and summarize the weather for a larger area, typically a municipality or a part of the country. They often give an indication of forecast uncertainty and the text forecast can include phenomena that are not always well described in the numerical weather models, such as fog or local showers. The forecasts are updated daily between 07:00 and 17:00 (Norwegian time).
It is not possible for a meteorologist to issue a forecast for every single location in Norway, for each hour, contrary to the way a computer can. However, the meteorologists can use their experience and knowledge to see what is especially challenging to forecast that day, and can give an overview for a larger area. Altogether, the different types of forecasts complement each other.
You can also find text forecasts for coastal areas and for sea areas.
See the subjective analysis chart, forecast chart, and satellite images, to get a better understanding of the weather development.