Here you can read the sea forecast for the areas within Norway's responsibility.
The sea forecasts covering areas from 56° north latitude to the Arctic ice edge are automatically generated two times a day. Gale and storm warnings are checked by a meteorologist and issued for sea areas where gale force 8 or stronger is expected.
The relation between wave height and sea state can be found here:øgang.
You can also view the subjective analysis chart, forecast chart, and satellite images, to get a better understanding of the weather developments.
Forecast for saturday 22 February 10:00 to sunday 23 February 21:59
Gale and storm warning
Fisher: South gale 8 from Sunday 20utc
Forties: South severe gale 9 from Sunday 11utc
South Utsire
South Utsire: South gale 8 from Sunday 18utc
North Utsire
North Utsire: South severe gale 9 from Sunday 13utc
Viking: South severe gale 9 from Sunday 11utc
East-Tampen: Southwest gale 8 from Saturday 10utc until 13utc and south storm 10 from Sunday 11utc
Storegga: Southwest gale 8 from Saturday 10utc until 17utc and south severe gale 9 from Sunday 11utc
Froeya Bank
Froeya Bank: South severe gale 9 from Sunday 20utc
Storegga-Halten Bank to Greenwich Meridian
Storegga-Halten Bank to Greenwich Meridian: South severe gale 9 from Saturday 10utc
Outer Vestfjord
Outer Vestfjord: South gale 8 from Sunday 09utc until 10utc
Vesteraalsbank: South gale 8 from Saturday 10utc until 11utc and south occasionally gale 8 from Sunday 08utc until 18utc
Banks outside Troms
Banks outside Troms: Southwest gale 8 from Saturday 10utc until 12utc and southwest occasionally gale 8 from Sunday 10utc until 20utc
Tromsoeflaket: Southwest gale 8 from Saturday 10utc until 13utc and southwest occasionally gale 8 from Sunday 10utc
Hjelmsoey Bank
Hjelmsoey Bank: Southwest gale 8 from Saturday 12utc until 14utc and southwest occasionally gale 8 from Saturday 15utc
North Bank
North Bank: Southwest occasionally gale 8 from Sunday 19utc
B4: Southwest gale 8 Saturday 18utc
C3: Southwest gale 8 from Sunday 11utc until 20utc
C4: Southwest occasionally gale 8 from Saturday 10utc until 15utc and southwest gale 8 from Sunday 11utc
C5: Southwest gale 8 from Sunday 19utc
D2: Southwest gale 8 from Saturday 10utc until 12utc and southwest occasionally gale 8 from Saturday 19utc until Sunday 11utc
D3: Southwest occasionally gale 8 from Saturday 20utc until Sunday 19utc
Deep D4
Deep D4: Southwest gale 8 from Saturday 10utc until 11utc and Sunday 07utc until 21utc
E2: South gale 8 from Saturday 13utc until 22utc and southwest gale 8 from Sunday 03utc until 09utc
E3: South gale 8 from Saturday 10utc until Sunday 15utc and from Saturday 21utc
Deep E4
Deep E4: Southwest gale 8 from Saturday 10utc until 11utc and southwest occasionally gale 8 from Sunday 04utc until 18utc
F2: Southwest gale 8 from Saturday 10utc until 21utc and south gale 8 from Sunday 16utc
F3: Southwest gale 8 from Saturday 10utc until Sunday 06utc and south gale 8 from Sunday 16utc
Synoptic situation
Storm center 955 hPa 69 N 11 W moving slowly E, expected 968 hPa at 70 N 03 W by Sunday 06 utc.
Ocean forecast
Inner Skagerrak
South 6. Slight or moderate, occasionally rough. Snow with poor, becoming dry and good. Risk of fog.
Outer Skagerrak
South 5, occasionally near gale 7. Slight or moderate, occasionally rough. Rain with moderate, becoming dry and good. Risk of fog.
Southwest 4, increasing to south near gale 7, occasionally south gale 8. Moderate, occasionally very rough. Rain with moderate. Risk of fog.
Southwest 6, increasing to south gale 8, occasionally south severe gale 9. Moderate to very rough. Dry and good, becoming rain with moderate.
South Utsire
Variable 4, increasing to south gale 8. Moderate, occasionally very rough. Rain with moderate. Risk of fog.
North Utsire
South 6, increasing to severe gale 9. Rough, occasionally high. Dry and good, becoming rain with moderate. Risk of fog.
South 6, increasing to severe gale 9. Rough, occasionally high. Dry and good, becoming rain with moderate.
South near gale 7, increasing to gale 8, occasionally storm 10. Very rough, occasionally high. Dry and good, becoming rain with moderate.
Southwest near gale 7, increasing to south severe gale 9. Very rough, occasionally high. Dry and good, becoming rain with moderate.
Froeya Bank
Southwest near gale 7. Very rough, occasionally high. Dry and good.
Halten Bank
Southwest 6, occasionally near gale 7. Very rough. Dry and good, becoming occasional rain with moderate.
Storegga-Halten Bank to Greenwich Meridian
Southwest near gale 7, occasionally south severe gale 9. Very rough or high. Rain with moderate.
Sklinna Bank
Southwest 6, occasionally near gale 7. Very rough. Dry and good.
Traena Bank
South 6, increasing to southwest near gale 7. Very rough. Dry and good, becoming rain with moderate.
Roest Bank
South near gale 7. Very rough, occasionally high. Dry and good, becoming rain with moderate.
Outer Vestfjord
South 6, increasing to near gale 7, occasionally gale 8. Very rough. Dry and good, becoming rain with moderate.
South near gale 7, occasionally gale 8. Very rough, occasionally high. Dry and good, becoming rain with moderate.
Banks outside Troms
South 6, increasing to south near gale 7, occasionally southwest gale 8. Very rough, occasionally high. Dry and good, becoming rain with moderate.
Southwest near gale 7, increasing to gale 8. Very rough or high. Rain with moderate.
Hjelmsoey Bank
Southwest 6, increasing to near gale 7, occasionally gale 8. Very rough, occasionally high. Rain with moderate.
North Cape Bank
Southwest 6, occasionally near gale 7. Rough or very rough. Dry and good, becoming rain with moderate.
North Bank
Southwest 6, occasionally gale 8. Rough, occasionally very rough. Dry and good, becoming rain with moderate.
Kildin Bank
Southwest 6, increasing to near gale 7. Moderate or rough. Dry and good, becoming rain with moderate.
Variable 4. Rough. Snow with poor, becoming dry and good.
Variable 4. Slight or moderate. Snow with poor.
Variable 4. Slight. Snow with poor. Risk of fog.
Variable 4. Rough. Snow with poor. Risk of fog.
Variable 5. Rough. Snow with poor. Risk of fog.
Variable 4. Rough or very rough. Snow with poor. Risk of fog.
Variable 5, occasionally southwest near gale 7. Rough or very rough. Snow with poor. Risk of fog.
Southwest near gale 7, occasionally gale 8, becoming 6. Very rough, occasionally high. Rain with moderate. Risk of fog.
Southwest near gale 7, decreasing to 6. Rough or very rough. Snow with poor. Risk of fog.
Variable 6. Very rough. Snow with poor. Risk of fog.
South near gale 7, occasionally southwest gale 8. Very rough or high. Rain with moderate, becoming snow with poor. Risk of fog.
Southwest near gale 7, increasing to gale 8. Very rough or high. Rain with moderate.
Southwest near gale 7, occasionally gale 8. Very rough, occasionally high. Rain with moderate.
South near gale 7, increasing to southwest gale 8. High. Snow with poor. Risk of fog.
South near gale 7, increasing to southwest gale 8. High. Rain with moderate.
Deep D4
South near gale 7, increasing to southwest gale 8. Very rough or high. Rain with moderate.
South gale 8, decreasing to near gale 7. Very rough or high. Rain with moderate.
South gale 8. High. Rain with moderate.
Deep E4
South near gale 7, increasing to southwest gale 8. High. Dry and good, becoming rain with moderate.
South gale 8, decreasing to 6. Very rough or high. Rain with moderate.
South gale 8, decreasing to near gale 7. High. Rain with moderate.