MET report 2007
16/2007 - Ole Einar Tveito, Gustav Redalen, Torill Engen Skaugen:
Fruktdyrking og klima - en agroøkologisk studie for Buskerud
15/2007 - Torill Engen-Skaugen, Rasmus Benestad and Lars A. Roald:
Empirically downscaling of runoff in Norway. Is it feasible?
14/2007 - Torill Engen-Skaugen, Eirik Førland:
Energy demand and potential for hydropower production in Norway Historic and future perspective
11/2007 - Svetlana Tsyro, Hanne Heiberg, Heiko Klein, Harald Schyberg, Leonor Tarrasón and Jan Eiof Jonson:
First results from comparison of model calculated AOD with MODIS data
09/2007 - Rasmus E Benestad:
Changes in Daily Mean, Maximum and Minimum Temperatures. RegClim results
08/2007 - Viel Ødegaard, Karl Idar Gjerstad, Norvald Bjergene:
Bedre byluft Evaluering av prognosemodell for meteorologi og luftkvalitet vinteren 2006/2007
07/2007 - Vibeke W. Thyness and Harald Schyberg:
EUCOS Space-Terrestrial Study Final Report: Observing System Experiments from the winter 2004 - 2005 and summer 2005
06/2007 - Eirik J. Førland (ed.), Eli Alfnes, Helene Amundsen, Randi Pytte Asvall, Rasmus Benestad, Jens Debernard, Torill Engen-Skaugen, Inger Hanssen-Bauer, Knut Harstveit, Jan Erik Haugen, Grete K. Hovelsrud, Ketil Isaksen, Christian Jaedicke, Kalle Kronholm, Ånund Sigurd Kvambekk, Joe LaCasce, Lars A. Roald, Kari Sletten, Knut Stalsberg:
Climate change and natural disasters in Norway - An assessment of possible future changes / keypoints
05/2007 - J. H. LaCasce, L. P. Røed, L. Bertino and B. Ådlandsvik:
CONMAN Technical Report No. 2: Analysis of model results
04/2007 - John Bjørnar Bremnes:
Improved calibration of precipitation forecasts using ensemble techniques. Part 2: Statistical calibration methods
03/2007 - Anna Jansson, Ole Einar Tveito, Pentti Pirinen, Michael Scharling:
NORDGRID -a preliminary investigation on the potential for creation of a joint Nordic gridded climate dataset
02/2007 - Morten Køltzow:
The importance of initial snow cover and snow depth in HIRLAM forecasts
01/2007 - Eli Alfsen:
Ekstremnedbør beregnet fra serier med gridbasert arealnedbør