MET report 2002
Tveito, Ole Einar and Wolfgang Schöner (eds): Applications of spatial interpolation of climatological and meteorological elements by the use of geographical information systems (GIS) (Cost 719 Report no 1) (Rapport Klima 28, 2002)
Harstveit, Knut: Jetta FM/TV mast. Klimalaster (Rapport Klima 27, 2002)
Nordli, Per Øyvind (, Øyvind Lie (UiB), Atle Nesje (UiB) og Svein Olaf Dahl (Bjerknessenteret): Spring / Summer Temperature Reconstruction. Western Norway 1734-2002 (Rapport Klima 26, 2002).
Skaugen, Torill Engen: Bruk av GIS til å generere historiske tidsserier av temperatur og nedbør for vilkårlige punkt og avrenning for utvalgte nedbørfelt (Rapport Klima 25, 2002).
Førland, Eirik J og Inger Hanssen-Bauer: Climate variations and implications for precipitation types in the Norwegian Arctic (Rapport Klima 24, 2002).
Aune, Bjørn: Energi gradtall (Heating degree days). Normaler 1961-1990. Normaler 1971-2000 (Rapport Klima 23, 2002).
Harstveit, Knut: Hadsel, Kistefjell, Trolltind, Alta og Nordkapp FM/TV-master. Klimalaster og dokumentasjon av isingsmodell (Rapport Klima 22, 2002)
Skaugen, Thomas (NVE), Marit Astrup (NVE), Lars A Roald (NVE), Torill Engen Skaugen ( Scenarios of extreme precipitation of duration 1 and 5 days for Norway caused by climate change (NVE oppdragsrapport 7, 2002) (Rapport Klima 21, 2002).
Skaugen, Torill Engen, Inger Hanssen-Bauer og Eirik J Førland: Adjustment of dynamically downscaled temperature and precipitation in Norway (RegClim) (Rapport Klima 20, 2002).
Lars A Roald (NVE), Stein Beldring (NVE) , Thomas Væringstad (NVE), Rune Engeset (NVE), Torill Engen Skaugen ( og Eirik J Førland ( Scenarios of annual and seasonal runoff for Norway based on climate scenarios for 2030-49 (NVE oppdragsrapport 10, 2002) (Rapport Klima 19, 2002).
Nordli, Per Øyvind: Dei gamle norske kornsortane brukte som indirekte temperaturdata
Old Norwegian Cereal Varieties used as Proxies for Temperature (Rapport Klima 18, 2002).
Harstveit, Knut: Varanger FM/TV-mast - Lyngberget. Klimalaster (Rapport Klima 17, 2002)
Imbert, Alexandra: Application of extreme values to study climate change (Rapport Klima 16, 2002)
Benestad, Rasmus E: Month-to-seasonal forecasting at (Rapport Klima 15, 2002).
Harstveit, Knut: Straumsbrua. Analyse av vindmålinger og ekstremvind (Rapport Klima 14, 2002)
Agersten, Solfrid: Analysis of extreme daily precipitation and return periods in Norway and Nordklim area (Nordklim) (Rapport Klima 13, 2002).
Tveito, Ole Einar: Gridding observed precipitation for verification of ECMWF-forecasts (Rapport Klima 12, 2002)
Benestad, Rasmus E og Ole Einar Tveito: A survey of possible teleconnections affecting Fennoscandia (Rapport Klima 11, 2002).
Tveito, Ole Einar: An objective comparison of observed and forecasted 24-hour precipitation, a spatial analysis (Rapport Klima 10, 2002)
Aune, Bjørn: Nedbør i Kristiansand 30.11.-01.12.2001 (Rapport Klima 9, 2002)
Vejen, Flemming (ed), Caje Jacobsson, Ulf Fredriksson, Margareth Moe, Lars Andresen, Eino Hellsten, Pauli Rissanen, Þóranna Pálsdóttir, Þordur Arason: Quality Control of Meteorological Observations. Automatic Methods Used in the Nordic Countries (Nordklim) (Rapport Klima 8, 2002)
Benestad, Rasmus E, Inger Hanssen-Bauer, Torill E Skaugen og Eirik J Førland: Associations between sea-ice and the local climate on Svalbard (Rapport Klima 7, 2002).
Nordli, Per Øyvind: Verification of precipitation by Model Output Statistics (MOS) (Rapport Klima 6, 2002).
Iden, Knut A: Vind, bølger og lufttemperatur i Nordsjøen og Norskehavet i 2001 (Rapport Klima 5, 2002)
Harstveit, Knut og Lars Jenssen: Analyse av sammenhengen mellom sterk vind og flom (Rapport Klima 4, 2002)
Harstveit, Knut: Sammenhengen mellom vindhastighet og varighet (Rapport Klima 3, 2002)
Skaugen, Torill E og Ole Einar Tveito: Growing degree-days - Present conditions and scenario for the period 2021-2050 (Rapport Klima 2, 2002).
Skaugen, Torill E og Ole Einar Tveito: Heating degree-days - Present conditions and scenario for the period 2021-2050 (Rapport Klima 1, 2002).
Nordli, Ø. 2002: Temperature trends in Scandinavia since the Little Ice Age. In: Proceedings from the 23rd Nordic Meteorological Meeting held in Copenhagen 23 – 27 May.
Berge, Erik og Morten Ødegaard Køltzow: Vinterklima i Bjørvika, Oslo, beskrevet av MM5 (DNMI Research Report 142) - pdf-file
Førland E.J., I.Hanssen-Bauer, T. Jónsson, C. Kern-Hansen, P.Ø. Nordli, O.E. Tveito, and E. Vaarby Laursen: Twentieth-century variations in temperature and precipitation in the Nordic Arctic. Polar Record, 38 (206), 203-210
Hanssen-Bauer, I.: Temperature and precipitation at Svalbard 1900 – 2050: Measurements and scenarios. Polar Record, 38 (206), 225-232
Benestad, R.E. and A. Melsom (2002): Is there a link between the unusually wet autumns autumns in southeastern Norway and SST anomalies?, Climate Research Vol 23, 67-79.
Benestad, R.E., E.J. Førland and I. Hanssen-Bauer (2002): Empirically downscaled temperature scenarios for Svalbard Atmospheric Science Letters doi.10.1006/asle.2002.005, September 18
Benestad, R.E. (2002): Empirically downscaled multi-model ensemble temperature and precipitation scenarios for Norway, Journal of Climate Vol 15, 3008-3027.
Benestad, R.E., R.T. Sutton, D.L.T. Anderson (2002): The effect of El Nino on Intraseasonal Kelvin waves, Q.J.R.Meteorol. Soc.128 No. 582 - April 2002 Part B, p. 1277-1291
Benestad, R.E. (2002): Empirically downscaled temperature scenarios for northern Europe based on a multi-model ensemble, Clim. Res.21 (2), p. 105-125